Aadhi Ko Manoram Nitrya
On 9th May, 2019 (Baishak 26,2076) Thursday. Our school took us to show the drama in Batisputali. Everyone was excited to watch the drama. Grade 8,9 and 10 students were very lucky to go and see the drama. The drama was more amazing than I thought. The drama was about these days teenagers.
The drama was written by 'Yubraj Ghimere' And the title of drama was 'Aadhi Ko Manoram Nitrya'. The characters of drama were really impressive at acting . The drama was inspirational for all the teenagers like us. It shows the curiosity of teenagers towards the bad behavior due to the relationship with bad friends. It also shows that making a bad friend may lead teenagers to many troubles which can also cause various conflict in the family.
The features and feeling were sketched on the drama. In the opening of the drama parijat (ma sadak bholdai xu) was sang. Some part of the drama were really funny and some part were heart touching. I was really motivated by the drama. The ending of the drama was the saddest and heart touching scene. And I got positive lesson to control myself from negative feeling and motivated towards the positive thoughts or feelings.
The drama was inspirational and amazing and it taught to be responsible and to avoid bad friends company and also to focus on our studies because some good things take times.
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