Saturday, May 18, 2019

Cyber Crime

The purpose of school is to provide quality education. likewise, My school provides quality education with extra classes. just few days ago we were given a class by community police and the class gave us the education about awareness towards cyber crime.

The class was only provided to grade 10 students. We learned about the criminal activities happening around the internet right now. Cyber crime is the criminal activity which has leaked many people privacy. The class was wonderful which taught us many things and to remain always alert from our problems.We should remain careful while using social medias and also not to share our private information . So that, It helps to prevent from some kinds of problems. The policeman taught us to dial in 100 if we are in any emergency or any type of trouble. Cyber Crime is the main cause of human traffcking. In addiction towards drugs was also the subject kept in that class. We got some of the information about the law of country.

The class remain interesting because of the video shown to us. The video was also motivational. We learned something about cyber crime and privacy from that video. The incident happened in the person's life was shown.  Now days cyber crime has become a global problem. The class was very inspirational and the program also taught us many things. The policeman also told us that he will take us to visit the community police area.

This type of class is very beneficial for all the students. All school don't have this type of class where they can get extra knowledge. I'm very grateful towards our teachers for giving us this opportunity to know about different types of issues happening now days and how to prevent this type of issues.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Experience of Drama

Aadhi Ko Manoram Nitrya

 On 9th May, 2019 (Baishak 26,2076) Thursday. Our school took us to show the drama in Batisputali. Everyone was excited to watch the drama. Grade 8,9 and 10 students were very lucky to go and see the drama. The drama was more amazing than I thought. The drama was about these days teenagers.

The drama was written by 'Yubraj Ghimere' And the title of drama was 'Aadhi Ko Manoram Nitrya'. The characters of  drama were really impressive at acting . The drama was inspirational for all the teenagers like us. It shows the curiosity of teenagers towards the bad behavior due to the relationship with bad friends. It also shows that making a bad friend may lead teenagers to many troubles which can also cause various conflict in the family.
The features and feeling were sketched on the drama. In the opening of the drama parijat (ma sadak bholdai xu) was sang. Some part of the drama were really funny and some part were heart touching. I was really motivated by the drama. The ending of the drama was the saddest and heart touching scene. And I got positive lesson to control myself from negative feeling and motivated towards the positive thoughts or feelings.

The drama was inspirational and amazing and it taught to be responsible and to avoid bad friends company and also to focus on our studies because some good things take times.

Experience of Quarantine and SEE canceled

Our SEE was canceled due to the outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19). It's been 3 months since the Nepalese people have been staying home...